Final Thoughts
📕 Like C and C++, Rust's got predictable performance, with mature code optimizers (from LLVM) and a high performance ceiling
📗 Like C#, Java and other managed languages, Rust presents a comfortable, high-level standard library and set of language constructs with a lot of safety guarantees
📘 Like Haskell, Rust beats out every other language of noteworthy market share when it comes to how much you can get the compiler to verify for you at compile time
📙 Like Go, Rust links its own code statically by default, making deployment a breeze for pure Rust applications
📚 Rust is specifically designed so it can not only call C easily, but be called from C easily, making it almost unique in its viability for incrementally replacing bits of other programs with Rust wherever you need better performance or stricter compile-time guarantees